Zloam Village Store

Self-service regional products and gift ideas around the clock. Welcome to the Zloam shop!

In our shop, which is open 24 hours a day, we want to make it possible for guests and locals to shop seasonally, sustainably and regionally at any time. We bring agricultural producers in front of the curtain to offer the best from the surrounding area and thus high-quality products. The Zloam shop offers authentic local supply and supports local producers.

Look forward to regional and local products and specialties of the best quality for your daily needs, as well as gift ideas for special occasions around the clock in the village store Zloam. (Entrance next to the reception)

Our regional partners and suppliers

  • Fischerei Ausseerland
  • Ausseer Lebkuchen
  • Salinen Austria
  • Fleischerei Aichinger (Bad Mitterndorf)
  • Elisabeth Klanner (Grundlsee)
  • Familie Huber (Irdning)
  • Ennstal Milch (Stainach-Irdning)
  • Steirerkraft, Vollkraft, Sonnentor, Bioart
  • Bäckerei Maislinger (Altaussee)
  • Puttererseehof (Aigen im Ennstal)
  • Hrovats Kaffee (St. Wolfgang)
  • Zotter (Riegersburg)
  • Franz Marl (Grundlsee)
  • Karl Schmied (Grundlsee)